Guru Brihaspati or Brahmanaspati – the lord of prayers, devotion, or sacred speech- is a Vedic sage and is often mentioned as the teacher and advisor to all the gods. In Vedic Astrology, Brihaspati refers to the largest planet of the solar system, Jupiter.
In Hindu scriptures, Devguru Brihaspati is the master of great wisdom, tactics, rituals, spells, and chants. Thus, Brihaspati is one of the most benevolent and important planets of all Navagrahas (the nine planets). Thursday is named after him, in Sanskrit fourth day of the week is known as Brihaspati Vara (Brihaspativaram).
The word “Brihaspati” has derived from the Sanskrit word “Spati of the Briha.” It means the soul or the spirit of the vastness of the universe. As a guru, Sage Brihaspati teaches all the gods about the morals of righteousness, religion, and responsibility.
Many Vedic texts and scriptures described Brihaspati’s nature as wise, kind, merciful, cheerful, dutiful, and generous. People often regarded him as the guru who blesses families with happiness, wisdom, and prosperity. As for the appearance, he has a golden or yellow skin tone body holding a stick, soma, lotus, and bead.
According to Vedas, the sage Brihaspati is the lord of speech (Vakpati) and the Brahman. He is also called the Purohita of gods in Shatapatha Brahmana.
In Rig Veda, Guru Brihaspati is called ” Kavim Kavinaam ” as he was a deep thinker who held strong beliefs in many matters. He was extremely knowledgeable, and every plan the devas had against the asuras originated from Brihaspati’s mind.
गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम |
जयेष्ठराजं बरह्मणां बरह्मणस पत आ नः षर्ण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम ||We call thee, Lord and Leader of the heavenly hosts, the wise among the wise, the most famous of all, The King supreme of prayers, O Brahmaṇaspati: hear us with help; sit down in place of sacrifice.
Rig Veda 2.23.1
Birth of Brihaspati
The birth story of the Brihaspati is fascinating. He was one of the three sons of Rishi Angiras – one of the Mind-born sons of Lord Brahma. During pregnancy, his mother Shradha was faithless to rishi Angiras resulting in a stillbirth. So, she apologized and prayed to rishi Angira. After forgiving her sins, he planted his own life to the baby, who later became the wisest and intellectual sage, Brihaspati.
According to Puranas, Devguru Brihaspati has two consorts – Shubh and Tara. From Devi Shubh, he had seven daughters: Bhaanumatee, Havishmatee, Mahishmatee, Mahaamatee, Archishmatee, Sineevaalee, and Raakaa. Likewise, he had seven sons and a daughter from his second consort Devi Tara. He has two sons from Mamata, Kacha and Bharadwaja. King Dushyant adopted Saptarishi Bharadwaja after being abandoned by his parents.
Brihaspati in Jyotisha (Hindu Astrology)
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs and resides high in Karka (Cancer) and falls in Makar (Capricorn). Apart from that, he is affable to the Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), and Mars (Mangal).
Jupiter takes around one year to transit from one zodiac sign to another. Since, it is the biggest planet in our solar system, it has greater impact on our system. Astrologically, in every twelve years individual experience events that will have longer impact in life.
In Astrology, Jupiter is often associated with wisdom, prosperity, good health, luck, positivity, religion, popularity, peace, and happiness. Depending upon the placement of Jupiter in your birth chart, your ability to attain knowledge can be understood.
Brihaspati Mantras
Dev Guru Brihaspati Mantra
देवानां च ऋषीणां च गुरुं कांचनसंनिभम्।
बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकशं तं नमामि बहस्पतिम्।।
Devanam ca rishinam gurun Kanchana-sannibham
buddhi-bhutam Trilokesham tam namami brihaspatim
In English, it means; – I kneel to Brihaspati, lord of Jupiter, who is the preceptor of all gods and rishis. He has a golden skin tone and is the lord of intelligence who controls all three worlds.
Brihaspati Gayatri Mantra
Om suraachaarya vidmahe, surashreshtaya dhimahi, tanno guruh prachodayat
Meaning in English – I pray to the teacher of all gods and meditate upon the highly respected one among the deities, let the teacher enlighten my intellect, and guide me towards self-fulfillment.
Brihaspati Beej Mantra
ओम ग्राम ग्रीम ग्रौं सह गुरवे नमः|
Om graam greem graum sah brihaspataye namah
ऊँ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरुवे नमः।
Om graam greem graum sah guru ve namah
ॐ बृं बृहस्पतये नम:।
Om brim brihaspataye namah
Brihaspati Mantra Benefits
Following are the merits of chanting Brihaspati Mantras:
- Reciting Brihaspati hymns offers direct blessings from Lord Brihaspati himself.
- Individuals’ lives will be filled with great wisdom and knowledge.
- It makes people more patient, calm, and creative.
- It protects people from the adverse effects of other planetary gods.
- The arrival of happiness and prosperity in the house.
- All confusions and problems get clear.
- Success comes in people’s lives.
Best Time To Chant Brihaspati Mantra
Brahma Muhurta, an early morning interval around 4 am-6 am, is the perfect time for reciting mantras and puja. It requires 19,000 hymns recitation to please Lord Brihaspati. One can use beads made of Tulsi, Sandalwood, or Rudraksya for counting.
While performing the Brihaspati puja, always wear a yellow dress as the yellow color represents Lord Jupiter himself. Thursday is the day dedicated to Brihaspati. So, donating materials like gram, jaggery, laddu, yellow clothes, books, and turmeric to poor people on this day offers special blessings from Lord Brihaspati.
Contribution and Teachings of Brihaspati
Based on Siddha Dharma, Guru Brihaspati is the lord of every form of knowledge and wisdom. Thus, he is the author of many Vedic Sanskrit texts such as Nitishastra, Dharmashastra, Vastushastra, and Brihaspati Smriti.
In Siddha Dharma, Guru Brihaspati is the creator of two knowledge systems, the Nastika school of thought and the Astika school of thought. Nastika’s school of thought is also called Laukika or Vigyana. It is similar to today’s experimental modern science and was founded by Loukya Brihaspati. Laukika’s principle believes the matter is the ultimate reality or materiality. Concepts beyond the senses are rejected as they do not believe in soul existence.
So, to spread the theory of Nastika, Lord Brihaspati manifested twelve forms of himself, which were:
- Loukya Brihaspati,
- Angiras Brihaspati,
- Dev Guru Brihaspati,
- Arthagya Brihaspati,
- Kamagya Brihaspati,
- Avedik Brihaspati,
- Satark Brihaspati,
- Prapanchashil Brihaspati,
- Duruha Brihaspati,
- Rajadrohi Brihaspati,
- Adrista Brihaspati
- Amokshi Brihaspati.
On the contrary, the Astika school of thought or Paravigyana or Alaukika relates to today’s metaphysics. Dev Guru Brihaspati passed this knowledge to gods and other great rishis. As it describes things that exist beyond any human senses can detect. Unlike its counterpart, Aluakika knowledge is tough to obtain as it requires years and years of penance.
Some of the primary aspects of the Astika school of thought are:
- They are the believers of the almighty.
- They support the existence of the soul.
- They believe the soul is immortal; only the body dies.
- They are great supporters of reincarnation concepts.