16 Personality Facts about Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Facts

The second zodiac sign on the astrological chart is Taurus, attached to the Earth element. Taurus-born people are well known for their practicality, romanticism, and appreciation for the finer things in life. Ruled by Venus, Vrish Rashi, or Taurus natives are persistent hard workers and extremely determined individuals. The astrological sign has a bull representation and has V structured asterism of stars.

Taurus Facts

Interesting facts about Taurus

  1. Taurus constellation is the 17th largest constellation in space and the brightest star in Taurus is Aldebaran.
  2. Taurus in Greek mythology is linked to Zeus who transformed into a white bull for seducing princess Europa of Phoenicia.
  3. The area of the Taurus constellation is 797 square degrees and 11 crux constellations can fit into one Taurus.
  4. Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy first introduced Taurus back in the 2nd century.
  5. The placement of Taurus can be seen from the northern hemisphere (first quadrant) between latitudes +90 degrees to -65 degrees.
  6. The cave paintings back 10000 years ago have drawings of the bull as one of the twelfth constellations. An ancient constellation to say!
  7. Taurus has two messier objects, one is Messier 1 which is a supernova Remnant, and another one is Messier 45, a naked eyes visible open cluster.
  8. Taurus resembles the V-shaped asterism where star Aldebaran / Alpha Tauri forms part of the horn and other bright stars Hyades make the bull face.
  9. Taurus is the binary star that holds a bright giant star such as a blue-white giant star. T Tauri, a variable star, a pre-main-sequence prototype star of Taurus is of significant importance.

Taurus Personality Facts

A few fascinating facts about Taurus, a zodiac of famous personalities are:

1. High level of Patience

Taurus people have a good degree of Patience imbibed in them. That is why they are consistent in any work they do. Besides, they can cope with all the ups and downs in their lives in better and more peaceful ways.

2. Own set of Working Style

Taurus individuals take no shortcuts when at work and value working hard whether it takes longer. They function well as individuals or even work with others on a team project.

3. Taurus is Loyal in Love

When Taurus-born fall in love are very sensitive, devoted, affectionate, loyal, honest, and reliable. They are not quick in committing, but once they commit, then it will be for a lifetime. Besides, they never do anything that will hurt their partner.

4. Taurus people are Quiet Stubborn

Taureans are quite obstinate and like to control people. They usually present themselves as the one who is always right, and at times this may irritate others. Besides, Taurus has a strong sense of self-preservation and self-worth.

5. Taureans are Generous and Trustworthy

Taurus-born individuals are very generous with the people around them. They are loyal individuals who love to maintain relationships till the end after they earn the trust of their partners. Besides, they are highly caring and compassionate.

6. Taurus people are Determined

Taurus or Vrish Rashi people are very focused, determined, and diligent in their work. They very well know how to hustle. Their dedication is something to praise for. Besides, they are consistent in their work and their plans as well.

7. Taurus natives are Organized

Taureans are well organized and handle everything well. They see keen details and finer things before planning a strategy for any project or event. Besides, they are good at managing things. That’s why these bulls are the most attractive zodiac signs.

8. Taureans are Patient

Taureans are neither afraid to wait nor have anxiety about it. They live life at a peaceful and gradual pace. This is the reason they are highly clear and committed to their action.

9. Taurus people are lazy

Taurus-born individuals are chilled out and quite lazy. They like to lie down and be at home doing nothing most of the time. Hence, they love to take time away from their daily chores to relax and enjoy life.

10. Taureans are materialistic

They always strive for comfort and luxury in life. Besides, they are full of grand plans to make it big and want to live a good and wealthy life. This shows their materialistic nature.

11. Taureans are possessive

Sometimes, their connection to the substantial world can make them possessive of both people and things. They lack maturity and have low self-esteem.

12. Taureans are imbalanced

Taureans are a procrastinator. They find difficulty in balancing their time between work and relaxation. They love work and leisure time but don’t have a craving for both at the same time.

13. Taurus born has a huge appetite

They’re always eating wherever they are. They don’t care whether they are at work or play; they always have a bag of something in one of their pockets or purses.

14. Taurean is a nature lover

Taurus natives enjoy nature. This sign loves to be out in nature. Besides, they love to feel the air and the grass under their bare feet and walk among the plants.

15. Taurean is a confident person

They are naturally confident and not afraid to take anything on. With strong memory, they embrace the world and are confident about their role in it.

16. Taureans are loving and affectionate

By their very nature, they are loving and caring. They hold such a personality that they always reach out to the people who need their help all by themselves. This is the most commendable nature of the Taurean. Not only do they have amazing times in bed but also have plans for the next tour immediately after.

There were just some random interesting facts and personality facts about heavenly bulls (referred to by Babylonian astronomers) as the constellation and nature of the person. But there is more a person holds to describe based on just Zodiacs. So what else? Why don’t you ask professional astrologers online?