Atmakaraka or Soul Planet and Its Significance in Your Life

Atmakaraka or Soul Planet

According to Vedic Astrology, the Atmakaraka planet plays a significant role in one’s life. Atma means Soul, and Karaka means significator. Often referred to as the ‘Soul’s guide’, the Atmakaraka is the planet that has traveled to the highest degree in the sky. It is the planet closest to the 30th degree in any sign, excluding the outer planets – Rahu and Ketu. 

The Atmakaraka planet carries the blueprint of your past life karma, the deeds that you have done, and the lessons that you have learned. Atmakaraka signifies who you truly are at the core of your being. Your life’s purpose and the path your soul is destined to walk in this life are revealed by the Atmakaraka planet.

To find out your Atmakaraka, look at the planet placed at the highest degree in your natal chart. For example, If your Sun is at 28 Degrees and the rest of all planets are placed at lower than 28 degrees, Sun is your Atmakaraka. 

Understanding the Atmakaraka and its significance is like unlocking a door to deeper self-awareness. It helps you make sense of your life experiences and understand unfinished desires from previous lives. Understanding the Atmakaraka and its significance is a crucial step toward understanding your life’s purpose and the destination of the soul. 

Atmakaraka or Soul Planet

In Vedic astrology, your Atmakaraka is reflected through the natural Atmakaraka, which is the Sun. The Sun is viewed as the embodiment of your ego, or your self-identity. The unique interplay between two different Atmakaraka can provide insightful revelations about a person’s life if interpreted by a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer.

Atmakaraka in Classical Texts

The concept of Atmakaraka is deeply rooted in the ancient scriptures of Vedic Astrology. Various classical texts have discussed and highlighted the importance of Atmakaraka, each offering unique perspectives and insights. Let’s delve into some of these texts to understand the role and significance of Atmakaraka.

Jaimini Sutras

The Jaimini Sutras, a cornerstone of Jaimini Astrology, present the Atmakaraka as the planet signifying the soul’s primary duty or Dharma in this life. This duty is the path that the soul is destined to tread in its current existence. The Atmakaraka, in this context, becomes a mentor, guiding the soul toward its ultimate purpose and aiding it in navigating the journey of life.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

The Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, an exhaustive guide to Vedic Astrology authored by Sage Parashara, discusses the Atmakaraka as the pivotal element in a birth chart. Sage Parashara treats the Atmakaraka as the King of a chart, signifying its supreme importance. According to this text, the Atmakaraka is the planet that holds the key to understanding the native’s character, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.


In Saravali, a classic work on astrology by Kalyan Varma, the Atmakaraka is described as the most influential Karaka or significator that has a prime say on the native. The text emphasizes the Atmakaraka’s role in shaping the native’s life and destiny, underlining its significance in the astrological chart.


Phaladeepika, another classical text on Vedic Astrology penned by Mantreswara, discusses various aspects of astrology, including the concept of Atmakaraka. It provides insights into the Atmakaraka’s role in influencing the native’s life path and experiences.

Jataka Parijata

In Jataka Parijata, the Atmakaraka’s position in the Navamsa chart (D-9) is considered significant, as it illustrates the dharma and karmic landscape of the native spanning lifetimes. The text highlights the importance of the Atmakaraka’s position in the Navamsa chart in understanding the native’s a spiritual journey and life purpose. 

These classical texts provide a wealth of knowledge about the Atmakaraka, offering profound insights into its role and significance in Vedic Astrology. Understanding these texts can help us appreciate the depth and complexity of the Atmakaraka and its influence on our lives.

Atmakaraka in the Twelve Houses

The placement of the Atmakaraka in the twelve houses of the birth chart is of utmost significance. Atmakaraka’s position in each house of lagna chart can provide valuable insights into the native’s life path, character, and experiences. Let’s explore the significance of the Atmakaraka’s placement in each house.

  1. First House – When the Atmakaraka is in the first house, it signifies a strong sense of self-identity and individuality. The native may have a strong sense of purpose and a clear understanding of their life path. They may be self-driven and motivated to achieve their goals.
  2. Second House – The Atmakaraka in the second house indicates a life path that is closely tied to personal values, resources, and self-worth. The natives may place a high value on material security and financial stability.
  3. Third House – If the Atmakaraka is in the third house, it signifies a life path that involves communication, learning, and community. The native may have a natural talent for expressing themselves and may be drawn to roles that involve teaching, writing, or public speaking.
  4. Fourth House– The Atmakaraka in the fourth house signifies a life path that involves home, family, and emotional security. The native may have a strong sense of responsibility towards their family and home, striving to create a nurturing and supportive environment for their loved ones.
  5. Fifth House – The Atmakaraka in the fifth house signifies a life path that involves creativity, self-expression, and personal fulfillment. The native may have a natural talent for creative pursuits and may find joy and satisfaction in expressing themselves creatively.
  6. Sixth House – If the Atmakaraka is in the sixth house, it indicates a life path that involves service and healing. The native may be naturally inclined towards helping others and may find fulfillment in roles that involve caregiving, healing, or service to others.
  7. Seventh House – The Atmakaraka in the seventh house signifies a life path that involves partnerships and relationships. The natives may value their relationships highly and may strive to build strong, harmonious partnerships in their personal and professional life.
  8. Eighth House – If the Atmakaraka is in the eighth house, it indicates a life path that involves transformation and change. The native may have a natural ability to adapt to changes and may be drawn to experiences that challenge them and facilitate personal growth and transformation.
  9. Ninth House – The Atmakaraka in the ninth house signifies a life path that involves exploration and expansion. The native may be naturally curious and open-minded, with a strong desire to explore new ideas, cultures, and philosophies.
  10. Tenth House – If the Atmakaraka is in the tenth house, it indicates a life path that involves ambition and achievement. The native may be naturally ambitious, with a strong desire to succeed and make a significant impact in their chosen field.
  11. Eleventh House – The Atmakaraka in the eleventh house signifies a life path that involves community and social engagement. The native may be naturally social and may find fulfillment in being part of a community or social group.
  12. Twelfth House – If the Atmakaraka is in the twelfth house, it indicates a life path that involves introspection and spiritual exploration. The native may be naturally introspective, with a strong desire to explore the deeper aspects of life and the universe.

Atmakaraka in Navamsa Chart

The Navamsa chart, also known as the D-9 chart, is a divisional chart used in Vedic Astrology to provide deeper insights into various aspects of a person’s life, including spiritual inclinations, marital life, and the planet’s strengths. The Navamsa chart is considered the ‘fruit’ of the birth chart.

In this context, the Atmakaraka’s position in the Navamsa chart can be seen as the fruition of the soul’s journey. It shows how the native’s life path, as indicated by the Atmakaraka in the birth chart, unfolds in their life.

When analyzing the Atmakaraka’s position in the Navamsa chart, it’s important to consider the house placement of the Atmakaraka. The house in which the Atmakaraka is placed can reveal the area of life where the native’s spiritual lessons and growth will primarily occur. For instance, if the Atmakaraka is placed in the first house of the Navamsa chart, it indicates that the native’s spiritual growth will be closely tied to their self-identity and personal development.

Atmakaraka’s placement in each house of the Navamsa chart:

  1. First House: The native’s spiritual growth will be closely tied to their self-identity and personal development.
  2. Second House: The native may find spiritual growth through the exploration of personal values and resources.
  3. Third House: The native’s spiritual journey may involve communication, learning, and community engagement.
  4. Fourth House: The native’s spiritual growth may be deeply connected to their home, family, and emotional security.
  5. Fifth House: The native’s spiritual path may involve creativity, self-expression, and personal fulfillment.
  6. Sixth House: The native’s spiritual journey may involve service, healing, and overcoming challenges.
  7. Seventh House: The native’s spiritual growth may be influenced by their relationships and partnerships.
  8. Eighth House: The native’s spiritual path may involve transformation, change, and deep introspection.
  9. Ninth House: The native’s spiritual journey may involve exploration, expansion, and the pursuit of higher knowledge.
  10. Tenth House: The native’s spiritual growth may be tied to their career, public image, and sense of responsibility.
  11. Eleventh House: The native’s spiritual path may involve community, friendships, and the realization of dreams and goals.
  12. Twelfth House: The native’s spiritual journey may involve introspection, solitude, and spiritual exploration.

Atmakaraka and Nakshatras

The Nakshatras are like a setting in which the planets operate and have a significant impact on how the planetary effects are interpreted. By examining the relationship between the Atmakaraka and the Nakshatras, one gains insight into the karmic journey of an individual. 

The Atmakaraka’s placement in a specific Nakshatra indicates the teachings and experiences an individual must learn and undergo throughout their lifetime. The placement of Atmakaraka in various Nakshatras can reveal different karmic paths. Every Nakshatra possesses traits and attributes, which may impact the way in which the karmic teachings of Atmakaraka manifest in the person’s existence. 

Nakshatras with a brief description of the karmic path indicated by the placement of Atmakaraka:

1. Ashwini Nakshatra (Ruled by Ketu): If Atmakaraka is placed here, it suggests karmic debts related to family, possibly involving aunts or uncles, leading to significant disputes or revelations. 

2. Bharani Nakshatra (Ruled by Venus): Placement here might indicate a karmic journey involving transformation and change, often through challenging circumstances.

3. Krittika Nakshatra (Ruled by Sun): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to self-confidence and courage.

4. Rohini Nakshatra (Ruled by Moon): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving matters of love, passion, and creativity.

5. Mrigashira Nakshatra (Ruled by Mars): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving curiosity, exploration, and seeking.

6. Ardra Nakshatra (Ruled by Rahu): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to transformation, often through intense experiences.

7. Punarvasu Nakshatra (Ruled by Jupiter): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving renewal, rejuvenation, and new beginnings.

8. Pushya Nakshatra (Ruled by Saturn): If Atmakaraka is located here, the person may have a karmic journey related to nurturing, care, and spiritual growth.

9. Ashlesha Nakshatra (Ruled by Mercury): This placement suggests a karmic path involving deep psychological exploration and dealing with secrets.

10. Magha Nakshatra (Ruled by Ketu): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to power, authority, and respect for tradition.

11. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra (Ruled by Venus): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving relaxation, enjoyment, and creative expression.

12. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Ruled by Sun): If Atmakaraka is located here, the person may have a karmic journey related to service, charity, and upholding duties.

13. Hasta Nakshatra (Ruled by Moon): This placement suggests a karmic path involving skill, craft, and dexterity.

14. Chitra Nakshatra (Ruled by Mars): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to aesthetics, design, and appreciation of beauty.

15. Swati Nakshatra (Ruled by Rahu): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving independence, freedom, and adaptability.

16. Vishakha Nakshatra (Ruled by Jupiter): If Atmakaraka is located here, the person may have a karmic journey related to ambition, determination, and spiritual transformation.

17. Anuradha Nakshatra (Ruled by Saturn): This placement suggests a karmic path involving friendship, cooperation, and collaboration.

18. Jyeshtha Nakshatra (Ruled by Mercury): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to leadership, control, and taking responsibility.

19. Mula Nakshatra (Ruled by Ketu): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving upheaval, change, and seeking truth at all costs.

20. Purva Ashadha Nakshatra (Ruled by Venus): If Atmakaraka is located here, the person may have a karmic journey related to empathy, emotional intelligence, and resilience.

21. Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra (Ruled by Sun): This placement suggests a karmic path involving leadership, responsibility, and integrity.

22. Shravana Nakshatra (Ruled by Moon): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to listening, learning, and knowledge.

23. Dhanishta Nakshatra (Ruled by Mars): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving wealth, prosperity, and generosity.

24. Shatabhisha Nakshatra (Ruled by Rahu): If Atmakaraka is located here, the person may have a karmic journey related to healing, mystery, and exploration of the unknown.

25. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra (Ruled by Jupiter): This placement suggests a karmic path involving spiritual transformation, introspection, and dealing with the subconscious.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra (Ruled by Saturn): If Atmakaraka is in this Nakshatra, the individual may have to learn lessons related to patience, forgiveness, and compassion.

27. Revati Nakshatra (Ruled by Mercury): A placement here suggests a karmic path involving guidance, protection, and care for others.

Note: These are simplified interpretations. The actual influence of the Atmakaraka’s placement in a specific Nakshatra can vary greatly depending on other factors in the individual’s birth chart.

Remedies to Strengthen Atmakaraka Planet

The strength of the Atmakaraka planet in an individual’s chart can significantly influence their life path and experiences. Therefore, undertaking certain remedies to strengthen the Atmakaraka planet can be beneficial. These remedies are based on the Nakshatra where the Atmakaraka planet is placed and involve fasting, donating, and visiting specific temples. Here are the remedies for each Nakshatra:

  • Jupiter Nakshatra: For an Atmakaraka placed in a Jupiter-ruled Nakshatra, fast on Thursdays, donate money to priests or pandits, invite learned pandits for lunch, and visit Lord Vishnu temples can be beneficial.
  • Venus Nakshatra: If your Atmakaraka planet is placed in a Nakshatra ruled by Venus, consider fasting on Fridays, donating to impoverished women, and visiting goddess temples.
  • Saturn Nakshatra: If your Atmakaraka is placed in a Nakshatra ruled by Saturn, try fasting on Saturdays, donating fried food to the needy, and visiting Lord Hanuman and Shani temples.
  • Mercury Nakshatra: For an Atmakaraka placed in a Mercury-ruled Nakshatra, performing fasting on Wednesdays, donating sweets and clothes to eunuchs, and visiting Lord Ganesha temples is recommended.
  • Mars Nakshatra: If your Atmakaraka is placed in a Mars-ruled Nakshatra, consider fasting on Tuesdays, and feeding poor humans and animals. Recite hanuman chalisa and worship Lord Hanuman.
  • Sun Nakshatra: For an Atmakaraka placed in a Sun-ruled Nakshatra, fasting on Sundays, donating food grains or gold to priests or pandits, and visiting Lord Ganesha temples are recommended.
  • Moon Nakshatra: If your Atmakaraka is placed in a Moon-ruled Nakshatra, try fasting on Mondays, worshiping and meditating on Lord Shiva. Feed learned pandits and visit Lord Shiva’s temples
  • Rahu Nakshatra: For an Atmakaraka placed in a Rahu-ruled Nakshatra, fasting on Wednesdays, donating money to eunuchs, feeding pigeons and crows, donating cooking oil to shrines or temples, and visiting Lord Kalabhairav temples can be beneficial.
  • Ketu Nakshatra: If your Atmakaraka is placed in a Ketu-ruled Nakshatra, consider fasting on Thursdays, donating money to priests or pandits, and worshiping/meditating on Lord Krishna, Lord Rama or Lord Vishnu.

These simple remedies can significantly strengthen the Atmakaraka planet and balance life energies. They can help align oneself with planetary forces for personal and spiritual growth.


Understanding the Atmakaraka and its significance is a journey into the depths of one’s soul and karma. It shapes our life experiences, our relationships, our successes, and our failures. It guides us toward our life’s purpose, helping us navigate the journey of life.

The remedies to strengthen the Atmakaraka planet, based on its Nakshatra, provide practical ways to align ourselves with the cosmic energies and facilitate our personal and spiritual growth. They help us balance our energies, strengthen our Atmakaraka planet, and navigate our karmic path with greater ease and clarity.

In essence, understanding the Atmakaraka is a crucial step toward self-awareness and spiritual development. It’s a journey of discovery, a journey of understanding, a journey of growth. It’s a journey that leads us to the core of our being, to the essence of who we truly are.