In Vedic astrology, the 12 houses known as “Bhavas” are just like the 12 zodiac signs that create the basis for one’s life. Each of these astrological houses is ruled by different signs.
The Vedic birth chart or Kundli has 12 equal sections comprising each house. The zodiac begins counter-clockwise with the first house and goes around the other, forming a 360° angle.
Vedic astrologers use houses to predict the future and lead our present in the best possible way. Each of these houses represents or rules over multiple things in a person’s life. The exact time and date of your birth provide potential insight into your life by analyzing your planetary placements on different houses of astrology.
12 Houses in Astrology
The 12 houses (Bhavas) in Vedic Astrology represent hundreds of things each. Hence, it only aims at pointing out some important significations of the Bhavas. Below is the list of 12 houses in astrology with the short meaning and significance of each house.
1st House – Individuality
- Vedic Name: Tanu Bhava
- Lord of the House: Mars
- Associated with: Aries
- Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury
- Weak for: Venus and Saturn
The meaning of “Tanu” in astrology is “body”; thus, it influences one’s individuality. The factors like looks, attractive features, physical features, and strengths are determined by this house. Many things about the individual can be ascertained through the first house. The house is also of the rising sign, the ascendant sign on the Eastern horizon at birth time.
Note: The houses are divided into three sections, Angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th), Succedent houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th), and Cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th).
2nd House – Wealth
- Vedic Name: Dhana Bhava or Kutumba Bhava
- Lord of the House: Venus
- Associated with: Taurus
- Good for: Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn
The meaning of “Dhana” in astrology is “wealth”; thus, it mostly predicts wealth along with family, education, and speech. The areas represented by the second house also include the nation’s wealth and related things like economic development.
3rd House – Intellect
- Vedic Name: Buddhi Bhava
- Lord of the House: Mercury
- Associated with: Gemini
- Good for: Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn.
- Weak for: Mercury
The meaning of “Buddhi” in astrology is “intellect”; thus, also referred to as the house of communication. The ancient astrologer believes this house is the house of goddesses as the moon tends to find joy in this house. This house governs a person’s mental attitude and ability to memorize. The areas represented by this house also include journeys, brothers, sisters, neighbors, interests, habits, mental intelligence, and communication.
4th House – Domestic Happiness
- Vedic Name: Bandhu Bhava
- Lord of the House: Moon
- Associated with: Cancer
- Good for: Mercury and Venus.
- Weak for: Mars and Saturn
“Bandhu” in Sanskrit refers to “a friend.” Hence, this house is quite related to the domestic happiness of a person. Indeed, the 4th house is all about our connection and linkage with our primary source. The things that come under the influence of the 4th house are property, house, land, cattle, matters related to real estate, vehicles, and material possessions.
5th House – Pleasure and Romance
- Vedic Name: Putra Bhava
- Lord of the House: Sun
- Associated with: Leo sign
- Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury
- Weak for: Saturn.
The astrological meaning of “Putra” is “son” in this sense, and this house represents pleasure and romance. It also deals with reproductive health and all we create, including our children. The simplicity or difficulty of dealing with babies is also influenced by the 5th house. Even circumstances like conception, miscarriage, and relationships with children are governed by this house.
6th House – Health
- Vedic name: Ari Bhava or Shatru Bhava
- Lord of the house: Mercury
- Associated with: Virgo
- Good for: Mercury
- Weak for: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Venus, and Saturn
“Ari” in astrology means ‘enemy’; hence, this house relates to enemies and difficulties that one might have in their life. The sixth house helps to predict facts and factors concerning illness such as what type of diseases we may contract, how long it might take to recover from illnesses, which of our body parts are more vulnerable to getting ill, the strength of our immune system, and so on.
Note: The first six houses are also considered personal houses and the houses 7th-12th are considered interpersonal houses.
7th House – Partnership
- Vedic Name: Yuvati Bhava
- Significator: Venus
- Associated with: Libra
- Good for: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn
- Weak for: Jupiter and Sun
The meaning of “Yuvati” in astrology is “lady.” Hence the seventh house is the house of your spouse/partner. It is also the house of all kinds of partnerships, including business partnerships, and it also deals with the darker side of our relationships or the partnerships we form.
8th House – Reincarnation
- Vedic Name: Ayu Bhava
- Lord of the House: Saturn
- Associated with: Scorpio
- Good for: Jupiter & Sun
- Weak for: Moon, Mars, and Mercury.
The astrological meaning of “Ayu” is “longevity.” The eighth house is also known as the House of Reincarnation or Death. This house deals with death, longevity, and sudden events like the Lottery. The sudden losses or gains also fall under the realm of this house.
9th House – Spiritual Virtues
- Vedic Name: Dharma Bhava
- Lord of the House: Jupiter
- Associated with: Sagittarius
- Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars
- Weak for: Mercury and Venus
“Dharma” in astrology represents “uprightness or good virtue”. The ninth house determines one’s religious aptitude, ethics, higher learning & values, and spiritual tendency. It shows one’s religious beliefs and helps to predict whether the person believes in a religion or not, if the person would stick to conservative religious values, and so forth.
10th House – Career Path
- Vedic Name: Karma Bhava
- Lord of the house: Saturn
- Associated with: Capricorn
- Good for: Saturn and Mars
- Weak for: Jupiter, Sun, and Moon
“Karma” means “action” in astrology. Karma is best described as the law of cause and effect. The tenth house of astrology is indeed the house of career path and deals with the kind of work or action we perform. This house helps to predict the profession, prestige, and reputation.
11th House – Desires and Gains
- Vedic Name: Labha Bhava
- Significator: Sun
- Associated with: Aquarius
- Good for: Rahu, Neptune
- Weak for: Moon
“Labha” in Vedic astrology means “gains”, thus, the eleventh house is seen as an auspicious house in astrology. It helps predict whether our aspirations and desires will be fulfilled. It’s a strong indicator of wealth and income, gain in name, fame, and money, and also plays a role in determining what brings profit to us.
12th House – Detachment
- Vedic name: Vairagya Bhava
- Lord of the house: Jupiter
- Associated with: Pisces
- Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Venus, and Ketu
- Weak for: Moon and Mercury
The 1st house is about the beginning, while the 12th house in Vedic astrology stands for the completion of the lifecycle; thus, “Vairagya” stands for “ending.” It is also called the house of insensible, self-untying, and internment. A weak twelfth house may give endemic detachment from people like separation from their partner, parents, friends, and neighbors. Generally, it regularizes immaterial things like a person’s intuitions, dreams, secrets, and emotions.
Note: House divisions are the way to interpret human aims in life. 1st, 5th, and 9th houses (Dharma) are to seek for austere path in life || 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses (Artha) are to acquire the necessary resources to succeed in the aims of life || 3rd, 7th, and 11th houses (Kama) are to fulfill the need for pleasure || 4th, 8th, and 12th houses (Moksha) are to set journey towards the spiritual path of enlightenment.
Based on the twelve different houses of the birth chart (natal chart) and the planet’s position, Vedic astrologers provide guidance to those who seek answers from them. There are many charts in Vedic astrology, which are also divided into 12 houses, like your Kundli or Lagna chart.
For detailed analysis and understanding of your birth chart, you can ask an astrologer.